Our people!!! Sorry, wait a minute. Our government has totally changed the meaning of CHILD LABOR. Even I support that children should not work. But who can stop it and how?
No one (our respected politicians) would have a single clue why these kids work because they (politicians\government people) never had to work.

I went to a see a friend of mine. I was amused to see a girl aged around 12 working at her place. She was against child labor too. I asked her why she was doing this. Employing a child? Her answer to me was too easy to understand. In her words, 'This girl had a family of six, including her Mother, father, two brothers and a sister. She wanted to study, but her father being a Rickshaw driver, couldn't afford their studies. So she bought this girl home and she sends her to school; and in return the girl helps in her household work because that girl doesn't want her self respect to die by taking help for free. Also the money whatever I give her, she sends it to her home, so that even her siblings can study.' I was shocked to hear this. Just a small girl aged 12, is matured enough to think about her self respect and her siblings education! This was because she would have undergone worst situation for her livelihood.
Now, two points which were really disturbing me for the whole day were really shocking. First, why does a person who cannot earn enough to feed his family and fulfill the educational needs of his children, have four kids? I mean, that is ridiculous. The main reason behind this is illiteracy. Illiteracy here doesn't mean education. They are not literate in terms of knowledge and problems what their children will face due to lack of education. As he is illiterate, same will be passed to his children. In a country where people think 'Children are god’s gift and we have no right to stop gifts from god', it is too tough to literate them about bad life, which even his children will suffer with.
Now, the second reason is the Government. Can we blame them completely? This is a question without an answer. No one can put any kind of remark on this. Looking at China today, we can blame the government for sure. In China, the government had made a compulsion stating that ‘It is good to have just one child'. The couples which had more than one were not given job in any government office. If Chinese couples had one child, the whole education for that kid was free till the kid was 16. That was a great drive and today even being a country with the largest population in the world, their birth rate has decreased.
Now who is to be blamed? Not sure as yet. I think if our politicians and government officials decrease 50% of their (personal) money making process, we can do something better. I see lot of N.G.Os working on this. They are really trying hard. I wish they can do some more, if people come forward to help them. If a person can give at least 2000 Rs per annum to any N.G.O. who takes care of the children, it will be really helpful for them.
Yeah. Our government has one more view on Child labor. For that, recently all the child labors, who were picked from different working places, wrote a letter to the government of Maharashtra asking them to give proper liberty to all children, liberty in terms of work.

Their point was about kids working in Movies/Serials/Ads.
Their letter stated. 'Why are only we stopped to work? Why are the kids working in movies, ads, and serials not stopped? Isn't that child labor? They have money, and we earn for our families, because there is no other way to maintain the whole family. Will the government ever make us study and provide food and living or job to our elder family members? If they are ready to do so, we also won’t work. We also want to play, and not work. But we have to do it, either willingly or unwillingly. At least the parents, whose kids are earning or else have a good life, should help us'. This letter shattered me. These kids were right. The N.G.O.'s take children away from Child labor, and serve them with good living and education. What do the government authorities do? Even if they are doing, are we able to get any results? Is their pace too slow against Child labor? Or are they too lazy to make the whole process speed up? There are kids who are abandoned and they have to work to feed themselves. What should the government do for them? Lots of questions are there, but answers?
The last resolution by me is that I am clueless about all this. I don't know whether posting this issue was right or wrong. Don't the poor kids deserve to play and go to school? I am against Child labor too and I try to educate people who employ kids. Some are too rude to be educated. Yeah but I do try to donate some amount annually to some N.G.O., and try to go with them to do some social work to educate employers, not to employ kids, instead help the people who work towards educating them. Can anyone get the right way to decrease Child labor? Answers? Anyone???
More info on Child labor!!!
Todays song is not mine. Its a song titled 'Indian Dreams', composed and arranged by my closest Chuddi-Buddi DJ DEEPAK. Nicely arranged. Keep rocking bro!!! One can surely link themselves to the song or even imagine the whole situation, while listening to this.
DJ Deepak's orkut profile
Broadband version
Dial up friendly :
I dont think there's any silver bullet solution for something like child labour especially in a country like India where the politicians are busy laundering money. It is very disheartening to see these childrem work so hard when they should be going to school and experiencing the pleasure of learning.
As you said, the only but reliable solution is education which leads to reduction in population which in-turn can reduce poverty. Looong way to go. Let's do our best supporting NGOs and other organisations.
i think slavery is cruel
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