India celebrated the glory of its 61st Independence on 15th August '08. I was very happy to see the enthusiasm people had. One of the sms's stated, "We are so enthusiastic and ready to wish our beloved one's for events like Friendship day, Valentine's day and other one's,which are created. But when its our own INDEPENDENCE DAY is there, where does the whole enthusiasm goes?" This sms made me to think, think very hard. It was so right. On friendship day, I used to get at least 10 calls and 50 sms. Whereas, 2-3 calls and 5-10 sms on the Independence day. Even I was in that category because no. of sms or calls made by me was also very less. I started going in my thoughts and it got linked into another topic.
Even not being 100% free,still we are able to enjoy a country with a limited freedom of not being ruled by some other force. Life would be hell before the Independence. Thanks to all the Freedom fighters, who shed their blood and made us see a better life. Thanks to the soldiers at the border who give us the feeling of being safe and protect us in spite of cold, no water, extreme heat and other difficulties. My salute to them!!!
Now truly speaking, we are just slaves of things, which are, in purely and only my view, "Politics and Corruption". When both of them combine, they are the worst for common person and the government. I am fed up now, and I think most of us are. Democracy is not bad, but the way our Politicians utilize it for their personal pleasures, makes me feel bad. Almost all are corrupt. The ones who are not, and try to bring change, are forced to become corrupt or are shown the doors of hell. Today if I say that I don't vote is just because I don't know who will really work for the common people, I feel I am right!!! Its simply ridiculous to criticize our own system, but what to do, no other way out. I am sure that my blog is the only way to express it and elsewhere, people may feel this topic offensive. If I ever had chance, I would love to speak this loud. Anyways, I won't speak much on this. Today I feel the pain of the poor people, who cannot flourish. I don't say that the government doesn't helps, but only half of the money goes for the help and half disappears...Its very sad, very sad!!!
The recent Bangalore and Ahmedabad blast were another bad incidents. I dunno what to say and whom to blame? The terrorists, sigh!!! They say that they have problem with the system, then why don't they go and blast at political places? Why do they kill normal people? Why do they separate families with their loved one's who are innocent and have no reason to be killed. I sometimes feel ashamed for the ISLAMIC terrorists, who have completely changed the meaning of words like 'Jihad' and made it to kill people. Even being a Musilm, I feel ashamed. I know there are lot more other Muslims like me, who feel ashamed that terrorists kill people just taking the name of Islam. Religion is just a phase, why are they making all our lives hell? No reason, no answers to their own questions.
I think if I keep on talking, I will never stop. So better is to stop and chill :)....
Today's track is also called as Freedom. This track shows the happiness of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, goes into the grief of Blasts and Communal riots and ends with the lines, we all should follow.
Credits for voices.
Opening and mid speech and the word ‘Freedom’ is of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru. Its cut from his very famous speech right before the Independence day.
Thanks to all the News channels, whose audio clips I used.
Rest all of the vocals are mine. Programmed and mixed by Sunny.
Broadband version:
Dial up friendly:
Freedom??? at Muziboo.com
Be safe, be united, take care... Signing off for now!!!
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