It was very painful to see Mumbai burning, coz it’s not only the city, but even hundreds of innocents dying. Mother’s crying, father’s waiting for their kids to call back and siblings running for some info about their loved ones. So many kids orphaned. Why?
(Image source:rediff.com)
This whole scenario of terror attack was like watching a thriller-horror movie. A bunch of Jokers, handling Mumbai as Gotham City. It was an awful site for the people who are staying here, in Mumbai and the whole of India. More than the terrorists, the most pathetic things were what we heard from our so called respected politicians and leaders, who were trying to play the blame game, rather than trying to help the people to calm down in the situation. There were many flaws in the whole process, but we should really appreciate the real heroes who were from the ARMY, NSG, ATS, NAVY, LOCAL POLICE and THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. We now know all of the departments from each group, but we shouldn’t really forget the unsung heroes, who were THE TAJ, TRIDENT-OBEROI staff, local guys and the whole bunch of people, who were helping around CST, CafĂ© Leopold, CAMA hospital, GT hospital, JJ hospital and many more. The main thing which every guest said from the attacked hotels was that the staffs were really helpful .A salute for all those who gave their lives to safe hundreds of others lives. My heart goes with their families. I am really speechless. There are many people who I night have missed. I heartily apologize. Though media played a very important role in keeping us updated, but there are way too many reasons to actually not appreciate them.
As soon as the whole event picked up its pace, all we could hear was, Mr. Advani calling the PM. Then there were a whole bunch of political ups and downs. In between commercial breaks, the news channels even were full with party advertisements. Congress was criticizing BJP and vice-versa. It was so pathetic to see these kinds of AD’s in between a national crisis. Don’t the political parties know a word called as “UNITY”? Don’t they feel the endangered lives as their own people? People who voted them, people who supported them and people on whose money they live on? No, they don’t, they simply don’t, because they are just human beings without hearts and brains to think or react on anything. They should be ashamed of their behavior.
Was there any need for the politicians or the PM to come Mumbai? They simply made another chaos because of their so called “V.V.I.P” status, with all extra commandoes to protect them. It’s all crap. What made Mr. Careless Narendra Modi to come and speak out, when he doesn't knows how to save his own place and still has to pay the surviovors of the GODHARA INCIDENT?
There are 4000 Black Cat commandoes in India. They are highly trained in handling worst situations. All the pain they go through while training is much more than any other branch of Army, but its all a waste as 3/4th of them are made bodyguards for our NETA’s. So out of 4000 commandoes, 3000 are bodyguards. It’s simply ridiculous. Are the politicians securing themselves? What about the whole “CHANGE” they speak about? Nothing, all bullshit.
And there stands my friend somewhere hiding inside his OVER SECURED “BARN”, eating their VADA PAV’s? A friend, who has problems with people of other STATES to enter in Mumbai, which he calls as his own. It’s not very surprising to see these as****es hiding on their tails under high “Z” security. Where were the whole MNS gang and the leader when the city was burning? If I start talking about them, there’s no end. For his information, the whole NSG was from the north and south. Ahem, Ahem!!!
Thanks to the media for keeping us updated, but they were also searching for their own TRP boost. “This video clip is exclusively on this channel, this information is only with us, we are the only channel who’s ahead of all.” Do they need to add their logo on all the videos? Do they need to say their Channel name after each and every sentence they say? The worst experience was to see these so called “BRAVE” reporters asking the people about any crap they wanted to. A certain news channel’s reporter was the one, who deserves a big slap in front of everyone. She somehow got an elder citizen, whose Son was an employee with TAJ and was stuck inside the hotel. The questions which she asked were enough for a Father to hit her back. Some of them were:
1. How are you feeling now?
2. What your son would be feeling now?
3. Will he be saving someone?
4. It has crossed 48 hours; do you think he will be alive?
The last question was enough for me to loose my patience in front of the TV set. Think what would be that Father be feeling, when is so unsure about his son and just praying for his safety. This was just one of the examples of MEDIA interrogating people. Their was pathetic scene of a cameraman pulling a guys hand to show the blood, as he was shot and the bullet hit his hand, instead of helping him to get to an ambulance. Can’t the media also do some contribution in helping the injured people rather than just trying to record just for the sake of getting famous and for their channels TRP? The whole thing was dramatic enough to put all of us in a trauma. They all were trying to speak in a F# scale of top octave, means, all screaming, to make it sound more dramatic.
Thanks to the MEDIA to make us realize, how cheap can they go for TRP.
It’s very true that 99% of terrorists are Muslims, but 99% of Muslims are not terrorists. This fact is confusing, and needs to be deeply analyzed. The people who are involved, I have no sympathy for them. They should be killed in front of the public. They should suffer as they made our people suffer. These terrorist are so brainwashed before the training, that they know nothing but to kill. They are brainwashed against other religions, other nations and against the system. We need to find out the base of their existence and destroy them; else killing only the terrorists won’t affect the groups like Lashkar-e-toiba. As we kill 10 terrorists, they make another 100 to replace them. Terrorism in the name of Religion shows that they are cowards. I am a Muslim and no can cheat me saying ISLAM permits for this shit and they are just executing it.
If the government of Pakistan is helping out to carry on these kinds of operations, they have to first try and save their own country. Their economy is on for a toss, their currency is on a fall, and they have no money to import goods and are begging the WORLD BANK for money. Save yourself Oh neighbor, as you are plotting your own destruction.
We, the people, should understand everything about the Politicians. We should ignore them, do not vote for anyone. The Politicians get “Z” level security and live on our money, which we pay in the form of taxes. The terrorists had Night vision cameras, X-Ray cameras and all the high end gadgets. What was given to our commandoes? Not even the BLUE PRINT of the TAJ? The bullet proof jackets could not stop the hit of AK-47 or AK-46. The commandoes were made to weight on their base for 2 hours for some BEST buses to come and pick. There was a total delay of 10 hours for the commandoes to come in. Why? As the government of Maharashtra didn’t think it was important to call them in. Too many loopholes to show, too many wrong things to talk about, and I know everyone is very much aware about it.
For all of us, “Make the terrorists realize that they cannot attack on our UNITY”
(Image source : http://www.netaquila.com)
Stay peacefully, stay calm.
Jai Hind,Sunny!!!